This world is very different from where the observer came from. In his world, everything is perfect. There are no prejudice. No wars. No conflicts. People have complete trust for each other. There is no money as well, for its existence is unneeded.(even though it was considered for, but soon people realize that it's obsolete)
Paradise. That's what people would call the place the observer came from.
But this world the observer currently exist in now, is very different. People are foolish. Selfish. Unable to trust.
Being the polar opposite of Paradise, this place, called Reality, could be considered Hell.
Ever since the observer was born, that was what he thought.
The beginning of his life was simple, similar to Paradise. Life wasn't bad as a 1 to 6 years old. All the observer had to do was watch the world as it is. Most children don't know how to doubt. Life was like paradise.
Then came education. The observer soon forgot his purpose. His aspirations. The world, led by an unknown force, created many things. Money and education are but one of these mysterious objects that puzzles the observer.
People are forced to take education. Then forced to make a choice, even when they have no idea what to choose. People are unhappy about it, but nobody made complains. Everybody was led by the unknown force and the few powerful people that governs the Reality. They say its for the better, but the observer knows better. If it is truly for a better tomorrow, then why are people unhappy? Education is indeed a paradoxical existence. To make ourselves happy, we make ourselves suffer.
Why is the observer called the observer? Even he does not know. The only thing he knows is that this world is not for him. But there is nothing he can do. He is just an observer. Unless he obtains unlimited power, he can never change Reality to Paradise.
School is a waste of time... But i wouldn't know how to use the time i saved. Maybe i forgot. Maybe i don't have it in the 1st place. I feel like this world doesn't really matter anymore...
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