The best way to insult someone

Today, the scripture reading in school went something like this. '' Mercy is not giving us what we deserve. Grace is giving us what we don't deserve.'' It was all okay here. Then he proceeded and said : ''We should all be graceful with our words we say to people.'' These 3 sentences summarizes and highlights today's scripture.

But whether intentionally or not(i'm hoping it is), no shit, he just made a way to insult someone the best way possible. And his spreading this message to the whole school. :)

Why they think its good:
We should all be like God. Grace allows for a society that encourages all, also removing all negative emotions that follow with words. It makes people feel better.

Why its really evil... :
What is the best way to insult someone? Insult them in a way that they don't know they got insulted, and thank you also.
Imagine applying this into everyday life.

''Congratulations! You got promoted!(but i'm just saying this out of grace. You really don't deserve to get promoted.)''

''You are handsome/beautiful/anything descriptive phrase.( Actually, you are ugly. You don't deserve to be called that but i'm just saying this out of grace.)''

The best part probably comes when they thought you were praising them. Then they thank you or blush and celebrate or whatever, while you laugh at them. Secretly. Quietly. Like an assassin...

The consequences does not end here. In a society already full of lies, this insulting method blurs everything that people say. You cannot know what is truth or lies anymore. Knowing that it is possible that everybody who praised you may actually all be insulting you instead will drive anyone insane. If you don't know yet, good for you. But you're still an asshole in everybody else's eyes.