After every single little piece of shitty event where huge groups are involved, people like to go ''HIP HIP HOORAY!''. Which led me to think. People normally say we hate racism, but why so racist against Jews. Lets look at Hip Hip Hooray definitions and origins.
Some authorities claim that the word "Hip" stems from a medieval Latin acronym, "Hierosylma Est Perdita", meaning "Jerusalem is lost",[1] a term that gained notoriety in the Hep hep riots. Others deride this as "fanciful", but cannot ascribe its origins.[2]
"Hooray" and its variants derive from "'huzzah' itself said by the 17th century writers to be a sailor's cheer".[2]
Yahoo answers:
The old fanciful explanation of the origin of this cry is that 'hip' is a notarikon, composed of the initials Hierosolyma est perdita and that when German knightts headed a Jew-hunt in the Middle Ages, they ran shouting 'Hip! Hip!', as much as to say 'Jerusalem is destroyed'. 'Hurrah' was similarly fancifully derived from Slavonic hu-raj ('to paradise'), so that 'Hip! Hip! Hurrah!' would mean 'Jerusalem is lost to the infidel and we are on the road to Paradise'.'Hip' is actually of unknown origin, but 'hurrah' or 'hooray' are alterations of 'huzzah' itself said bythe 17th century writers to be a sailor's cheer.
One sentence summarises what those ugly chunks above mean : Hip Hip Hooray = Lets kill some Jews!
So after every single piece of shitty event people are essentially saying : ''3 cheers and 3 cheers and 3 cheers for as09b2! Lets kill some Jews! Lets kill! Some Jews! Lets kill!! Some Jews!!!''
People who used Hip Hip Hooray should really think twice before using it =/.
Oh, and to practice further racism here are 7 more words, in the link below.
So if you wanna be the ultimate racist or something, but is a coward, go around shouting these 8 new vocabulary.
''Hip hip hooray! Hey, lets go for a picnic as celebration.''
''What a gyp! our fees for the picnic turned out to be so ex!''
''That dog peed on our picnic cloth! That little bugger!''
''If only hot dogs were made of dog meat, i would feed it and it would be a cannibal.''
''Btw, i saw a bunch of vandals and hooligans in school today.''
''I know you play a Barbarian in WoW.''
Say those words while gathering Jewish, a black, Eastern European , a bulgarian, a West indie, German, and Irish friends for maximum fun. You can continue your daily conversations while secretly laughing and insulting them. Remember to look at those specific friends while saying those sentences.
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