A careless word may kindle strife.
A cruel word may wreck a life.
A timely word may level stress.
A loving word may heal and bless.
The f word may mean all of these.
Today, we will be exploring on the F word. The F word does not stand for Food or Fish. But It is indeed 4 lettered and contains the letters F,U, C, and K, in order. Because some people may find it offensive. It will be replaced with the name Effie.
And this is an old video... but pretty much summarises everything about Effie.
As you can see, people seriously can't Effieing live without Effie anymore.
Effie is an Effieing amazing word to replace any adjectives, and does so with stronger emotion. Imagine any of those scenarios in the video without mentioning Effie, and replace it with some other word you know. Suddenly the scenarios has less emotion don't they.
And its a multi meaning word. Take the 1st paragraph for example.
A careless word may kindle strife:
A: Effie you!
B: What did you say? Want fight is it!
A cruel word may wreck a life:
A: Effie you, boss. This task is unreasonable.
B: Ok. Your fired.
A timely word may level stress.
B: Effie it. Lets go play. Who the Effie cares?
A loving word may heal and bless.
A: EFFIE!!!!
B: Whats wrong? You need help? God bless you.
Effie may mean all of these.
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