The Chinese do lots of stuff that makes it seem like whatever happens during the CNY will signify what will happen in the rest of the year. I think its going to be a bad year for me.
1. My mouse spoil for no reason. Well, only the roller part.
2. I spilled my drink.
3. I lost my pencil.
4. I lost my ruler.
5. I got fatter?
Oh shit... All these small little stuff may be insignificant, but its still bad. If that Chinese belief is true, then my year ahead will be full of small mistakes and blunders.
But looking on the bright side,
1. I can get a new mouse.
2. The drink is water, and it spilled not on my laptop but on the floor.
3. Buy a new pencil
4. Buy a new ruler.
5. Food is not a problem... Probably. In case of starvation i'll survive longer. Maybe.
Or maybe its a signal to make me quit whatever i'm doing... and do something else that is NEW and BETTER.
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