New ear

You would have noticed the slight difference in the title... ITS MISSING A LETTER Y! And... IT IS NO JOKE! I ... have underwent surgery for a new ear!!

My new look. Concentrate on the ears...

Nah just kidding.

2010 has arrived... and of cause in translation it just means another year and another day. But it is the day where people celebrate the Earth completing another revolution around the Sun... Wait. It isn't? Then whats the new year for?

Anyway, i don't see the point in celebrating New Year... If you think about it. It is the time when the Earth completes one round around the Sun. That translates to 365 and about 1/4 days. And 1 day is the time taken for the Earth to complete spinning one round. To illustrate how foolish is celebrating New year, it is like - or rather, IT IS celebrating a ball turning 365 times, and at 1/4 through the spin, you started screaming OMG ITS THE NEW YEAR! and set off fireworks to commemorate the event(?). Oh, and the ball goes exactly one round around a bigger ball while doing that. Come to think of it, its quite an accomplishment.

''You see that?! The ball spun 365 and 1/4 times!!''

365 and 1/4 times!!! CELEBRATE!!!

And there is a major flaw in these types of New year celebration events. You know all the time when people shout: ''10! 9! 8!......0!'' Whose clock were they using? It bothers me that when they bothered to be very precise about the new year's coming, there is a possibility of counting it being inaccurate. Its the same feeling you get when you try to build a record of 230894723946 dominoes falling down, only to have a prankster stick super glue or blue tack on the 230894723946th domino to stop you from getting the record. Hmmm.... WELL. Maybe not to that extend. But you get the idea. What if the clock they are using is inaccurate or something?
My image of that is that one single person on duty is supposed to check the clock. But feeling lazy or something, he decided that, ''ah heck it'' and followed the time on his watch which is 5 minutes early. Good way to ruin the mood eh.

CELEBRATE!!!... Wait, its 5 minutes early! SHIT!!

Anyway, on New year's eve, which is yesterday, my family had some cruise dinner celebrating the new year. How was it? It was quite fun. The PSP game i was playing inside. In summary, the experience was like eating in a restaurant at night, during a low magnitude earthquake, while the city has blackouts. In the ship, if you look out the window... I took no photos, but you see this.

VCT's illustration using a 10 second Paint job.

Genius. That makes it for the blackout part in the summary. And to add to the blackout part, the lighting in the ship is very dim. Imagine during a blackout, you would take out candles and yellow lighted lights. Its the same brightness. Now, for that earthquake part. You know, when there is a low magnitude earthquake, it feels... a bit shaky? Well. I'm on a ship. Thats where you get that. And the earthquake magnitude goes slightly up sometimes, but dies down quickly. (when the ship is rocking harder)

In short, its $68 for eating in a restaurant mysteriously surrounded by water, and having an earthquake. To make it worse, when we were getting on board, they gave us... party hats? And you need to take food across the 3 levels on the ship, while holding your food from rockiness? Wazzzaaat? Because they had karaoke you also need to endure the singing of people who can't in fact sing very well? And they are not singing songs that you like? After that, you see some fireworks at about 12 am, which is the only thing you can see during the whole trip. I didn't see or take any photos of course. But to illustrate again:

If you look from far its the same as the photos!

And when we finally reached Singapore again,we received a souvenir. A pen with a string for you to hoop around your neck. That string is like a zipper. Heres a photo to show:

My hand, a pen, and a zipper string.

A Pen. A Zipper. (Don't get it? What is 5 lettered, starts with pen, and would be found behind zippers most of the time? A penis!) Would be hilarious to find this on (PEN ISLAND!!! NOT PEN*S LAND DAMMIT YOU DIRTY MINDED FOOL!!) Now that i have made this point, the comment above looks obscene.

But come to think of it... I hope this is not an euphemism for ''Fuck you. Thanks for your $68! Suckers! GYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!''