About the last post...

That Remi Gaillard guy, turns out he was an ex-member of the champion team. So, maybe this explains everything. Why he actually has fans, why the president went on TV with him as a member, why the team members bochup he down there extra extra.

But wait! I think its still too soon to conclude it like this... Yes, it will work out like above if Remi Gaillard was an ex-member, and quitted for some good reason. But what if, its for a bad reason? For example, if he was kicked out? If this is the case, then he shouldn't be welcomed by the present team members. AND another thing. How do you know if those present team members actually know Remi? In short, its still too soon to conclude this without further evidence.

2ndly! How much Remi Gaillard's presence in the team also affects how this will work out. Is he some noob member? Is he some ace? This, coupled with the above, determines how those team members would treat him.

3rd! The president DOES have some power. And the media is a strange thing. If you put this together, you can create strange news. What if, the president realized that Remi Gaillard was NOT a team member? To hide this embarrassment, manipulate the media! How? post Remi Gaillard as a member. In short, this point of argument is: Someone made Remi Gaillard a member.

Until Remi Gaillard and the team members of the champion team admits what really happened that day, we cannot know for sure what happened. But unfortunately or fortunately, reality and the masses work differently. When dealing with crowds, you have to treat them like pigs. No matter how much clever people are in the crowd, stupid people will lead the crowd mentality. Different opinions doesn't help much in making the masses more clever.

Combo the media and the masses together, you can make what is black, white. A google search of ''Remi Gaillard former player'', ''Remi Gaillard former member'', '' Remi Gaillard lorient'' etc etc...
shows that only Wikipedia says that Remi Gaillard is a former member. What this means is ... the masses has accepted that Remi Gaillard blended in due to pure skill, and not because the team members bochup.