Cheating in exam

Estimated chem p2 : 40/72
estimated Phy p2: 45/72



2 days ago (during the maths exam), i thought. You know that people can make apps on the GC?

Everytime, those examiner just want to check whether you cleared, they just check whether your GC got the ''Cleared for Singapore'' thingy. So basically, if you make an app which shows that screen and just that screen, you can cheat!

During exams you can play super mario on your GC! Because the exam hall is so big unless you raise your hand nobody will notice! Not even students because they are doing their exam!

Oh American police...

My prediction of my grades:

Econs: 19 + 15 + 9 = 43/85
Chem P3 : 44/80
Math P1 : ?/100 Not even time to estimate. I'll say a D.

We'll see how accurate they are...

What happens when stupid people go on the internet? What happens when those stupid people also happen to be the ones enforcing the law? 


Hilarious shit considering that these people just mistook an internet meme for a real criminal. Now every bear mascots out there will be considered a pedophile ^^. 

Seriously a pedophile doesn't have to be in a bear suit to be considered a pedophile.

Because i don't feel like chionging for physics i'll make my post longer. =/

What should i write about? Lets see...

Even though assembly is pretty pointless, let's talk about my school's assembly. Everyday, the sun would be glaring towards us while having assembly, making sure that ultraviolet rays are there to spoil our eyes. Heres a diagram to show how the sun glares:

|                                         Ceiling                                            |

---------                    | ----------                                  ---------
wall       |                   |       Sun    |                                 |
             |                  |                   |                                |Wall
Stairs/Steps/ Stadium seats

Track/Us/Stupid people gathering for assembly

''You know, you needn't draw a diagram just for this kind of stupid stuff.''

Yeah. Anyway, I dunno what many people are thinking, but i have no idea why these few days those people announcing stuff like to say ''Students you can try to get out of the sun.'' 

Just install a great human invention called the curtain. =/


Nobody thought about that? How clever am i! Even though that thing is pretty big installing a curtain shouldn't be too expensive. After all, our school has enough money to spend on making a TV in front of the General Office that display nothing except nothing ^o^. If their stingy(yeah a huge piece of cloth is more expensive than a flat screen LCD TV)  we can just use old clothes(we're being environmentally friendly here. Seriously a flatscreen LCD TV that displays nothing but light saves us the trees used to make paper.) to hang there just to block the sun. How difficult is that? 

Or maybe the teachers in our school wants us to ''see the light'' everyday. By seeing that light we are reminded of God who ensures that we ... i don't know. Ask a Christian. =/ Maybe the LCD flatscreen TV is also part of their scheme to make us see the light. Because, you know, that LCD flat screen TV does nothing but displays light...


Today, i thought about my personality. My personality is one who is unsocial, dark, maybe shy, lazy. Hmmm...
Is that right? Something seems wrong. The me that i know isn't that negative. But why do i categorize my personality as such? Isn't it because that is how others see me as? Then, my personality should be different from people to people. My personality in front of my parents. In front of teachers. In front of classmates. In front of friends. In front of strangers.  In the internet. On my blog. Talking to myself...

Persona, a mask in society.

If you think about it this way, no matter how i act differently from how you imagine, you shouldn't be surprised.

The me today is different from the me tomorrow and yesterday.

The me in front of you is different from the me in front of another person.

Bits and bits of impressions of me form my personality. But in the end, is this how i know myself? Hmph. Maybe the way i'm acting and thinking now is partly because of how others think of me but not what do i think of myself. I don't like this. Getting controlled by society... Not only my life but my personality as well..


I'm dead for my prelims @_@. Not that i would normally really care but society has this much expectations...
Damn the old people who control society.

And damn it. Why does society equate results as one's worth. If you get good results you are a good boy. If you show likable personality you are a successful and impressionable young man. Damn the selfishness! They just wanted to see results that are good to themselves. In the end how much worth is the 3 stick figure 'A' worth to me? Naught! Zero! Nothing!

Surely, when i get good results i feel good. But that is only because they stop pressuring me. They stop bothering me. In the end... i feel so empty. The amount of time i spend on is just to get... this piece of shit? What do i hope to achieve by getting this laminated paper that, depending on how many stick figures there are  on it, can make people think '' This is an impressionable young man with a bright future.'' or ''This is a stupid fool, i should leave him alone.'' No matter what they think of me, i don't care! Fools who judge base on sticks should remain fools. But why does my life have to be affected so?

Of course i know the answer to that question. Because i am poor and do not have social influence on people in the world. If only my parents had groomed me the proper way to earn money = power... instead of following stupid society... Oh. Just in case you misunderstand. It's not that i desire a lot of money. It is just that society desires money to remain, and that it is representative of power. What i want is power. Call me selfish for wanting to change society to suit myself... but what is wrong with that? In the end power prevails. those who don't have power are swallowed by those who have it...

Ahhh!!! Why won't the stupid people of this world start to become smarter?