The brain tragedy

My brain feels like its rotting...

Number one... my academies are getting worser and worser :(.
Number 2... my reaction speed seems to have X 10. i may need 1 minute to react to anything now...
Number 3... Theres a spot on top of my head that hurts when touched. No gooey substance though.
Number 4...I suck at playing games now. For some reason. now i get pwnd at every game i play...
Number 5... what was i going to type again? talking about typing and forgetting stuff... i now keep forgetting stuff... even if its something i want to remember.
Number 6... i now type at some rate of 1 word /minute.

This is bad. I think its got something to do with waking up in the morning every... day... Whats more is that the destination isn't anywhere nice. I support waking up in the afternoon at about 1 to 2 pm. Even as a kid i constantly fail to wake up to watch shows i wanna watch in the morning.

Can't sleep too early... Optimum time seems to be 1 to 3 am for me. I've reached a situation where i either rot at school or rot at home.

... rotting down...