Human cloning

Im in despair... I feel like the current world can't go anywhere right but wrong ( not left). and i realised why. There is a myriad of people controlling the flow of this world. The world is going everywhere but not anywhere. therefore, if only one person controls this world...

So it leads to 1 God to control them all. since its impossible for a puny human brain to control the world. we need an entire organisation consisting of the same person, or of similar thoughts. An alternative would be to build a super human brain for the human or a super computer with such a brain.

which leads to .... human cloning. By massing the population with me, i will be forced into every type of industry and leader ship. By then, with me as the head of every organisation, i can then control everything.

Save the thought where it looks scary for everyone to look the same. Don't think about how scary it is that everybody looks emotionless.

But i guess this blog is like a reflection of the real world. It goes everywhere but definitely not anywhere. I really have no idea what i am blogging about. Although it would be nice to have everything under my control. Or maybe that could be my goal in life.

I think anybody reading this blog will not think that i am mentally sound. Perhaps i am not. :(


I was walking through the supermarket to pick up a few things when I noticed an old lady following me around. Thinking nothing of it, I ignored her and continued on. Finally I went to the checkout line, but she got in front of me.

"Pardon me," she said, "I'm sorry if my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable. It's just that you look just like my son, who just died recently."

"I'm very sorry," I said to her, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes," she said, "As I'm leaving, can you say 'Good bye, Mother? It would make me feel so much better."

"Sure," I said. An odd request, but no harm would come of it. As the old woman was leaving, I called out, "Goodbye, Mother!"

As I stepped up to the checkout counter, I saw that my total was $127.50.

"How can that be?" I asked, "I only purchased a few things!"

"Your mother said that you would pay for her," said the clerk.


Moral of the story? Never trust anyone. Not even a little kid or a frail old person. For all you know, that little kid might turn out to be a midget trying to act his way out, then scam you.


Nobody has yet been able to give a satisfactory explanation as to how living organisms are... alive.
You can give me crap like metabolism and what not which allows us to be alive but it doesn't show how we can be alive because of that. and so i thought...

You know robots are getting more and more like living creatures? Maybe humans are the same. We are alive because... someone created us. No, not god. I don't believe in religion. I don't give a heck care about religion or culture or even science for that matter, nor do i trust them.

Anyway, what if humans are actually created by ...some unknown thing, designed so that we are something like robots. Maybe that unknown thing created some other unknown thing which allows us to actually live. Then crap happens and they die because... living organisms revolt. From this you can tell its a bad idea if robots are going to be more and more... living.

Though i don't think its going to be any advanced while im still alive. The era im living in now is weak. New stuff doesn't appeal to me anymore. New products are actually worser than their old counterparts. New stories are bland. People also seem... noober. Services never improve much. Companies look like they aren't suited for their industries... Even i feel weaker. Or maybe its just the year of the cow. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I feel more stupid than when i am in primary or in secondary school.

I feel bored...

Am i bored of the world...? Or is the world getting bored of me?...

Whatever it is... you must be bored enough to start reading my blog.

I feel like there's nothing much appealing in the new stuff that comes out...
or maybe i'm just tired. Mornings are for sleeping...
but i do feel like playing some old stuff... want to start getting a ps2 soon.

Come to think of it... with so many people thinking school life is dull... why is nobody doing anything to change it?

Why are even forced to follow stuff made up by someone we don't even know?

Or maybe... Thats their objective!
Imagine if politicians are actually aliens. Their objective is to make Earth as boring as a planet it can be. And they aimed correctly at the root. Schools. As long as schools remain boring enough so people are bored and boring, the world will eventually become boring. After that other blog posts such as this will turn up. But it is all too late. earth is already too boring for something to be done. this is all starting to make sense.

next time you see someone who is in politics, walk up to him/her and try to strip off his/her face. You may discover something behind it. Be warned as this can let you end up in jail if you fail to uncover any secrets. If they are able to build earth, looking perfectly like human isn't impossible.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is not responsible for any actions that anybody will take upon reading this post.

vct's lesson on how to ...

converse... even when u dunno what u are talking about. because its easier, i'll illustrate with examples.

Lets say someone who liked magic talked to you about it.

Magic Fan : Hey! Did you watch the performance by da-xc01b2b; ?
U: uh...! Yeah! The performance was simply amazing! Its like.... Its... Its ... woah! Magic!!
Its simply magic!

Using the same technique... can be applied to music or other arts

Music/arts fan : Hey did you see/listen that asd0-9h23b?
U: Yeah! That was simply amazing! Its woah! I feel moved when i hear/see it! Its like... WOW!
This is music/art!

Note that the effect doesn't last long. So use it only to start a conversation with an avid fan.

Conclusion : When people start using strong vocabulary, you know they don't know enough of what they are talking about to say facts in simple english.

Most fearsome terrorist attack...

Just thought of this for don't know what reason.

What if , a terrorist has this plan...

1) Plan a food festival, and advertise throughout the country so a lot of people will come.
2) Put some laxative in the food...
3) Place several cleaning signs in toilets around the place.
4) While the masses run for the toilets and creates a huge commotion, announce that a bomb is detected.
5) people struggle between the 2 pronged attack, choosing between the toilet and escaping the bomb.

The brain tragedy

My brain feels like its rotting...

Number one... my academies are getting worser and worser :(.
Number 2... my reaction speed seems to have X 10. i may need 1 minute to react to anything now...
Number 3... Theres a spot on top of my head that hurts when touched. No gooey substance though.
Number 4...I suck at playing games now. For some reason. now i get pwnd at every game i play...
Number 5... what was i going to type again? talking about typing and forgetting stuff... i now keep forgetting stuff... even if its something i want to remember.
Number 6... i now type at some rate of 1 word /minute.

This is bad. I think its got something to do with waking up in the morning every... day... Whats more is that the destination isn't anywhere nice. I support waking up in the afternoon at about 1 to 2 pm. Even as a kid i constantly fail to wake up to watch shows i wanna watch in the morning.

Can't sleep too early... Optimum time seems to be 1 to 3 am for me. I've reached a situation where i either rot at school or rot at home.

... rotting down...

My future aspiration...

After i downloaded the pc nds emulator, i started playing this game called Phoenix Wright ( Gyakuten Saiban in japanese, meaning turnabout court). Its a lawyer game in which you need to defend suspects of usually murder cases as a defense attorney in court. You do that by investigating to find evidence, and use logic to find the truth, then argue in court to prove your client innocent. Pretty much like a detective game, even though your a lawyer... Since you need to use a lot of reasoning and deduction much like a detective.

Anyway, i was inspired by Phoenix Wright. I've always loved those mysteries, solving them, then revealing the truth. All those detective manga i have read further increased my interest...

And so... i think... my future aspiration is to be a JUDGE!


Didn't expect that did'nt you?! You were thinking i would become a detective or lawyer huh.

I have realized that the judge is always the slackest person in the court. He just sits there, listens to the argument, then make a verdict. Absolute power in the court and the slackest person. Ahhh.... :D p

Well... just kidding. Don't really know what i want to be yet. Just wanted to increase my blog post +1. But Phoenix Wright is still a good game especially if you like detective stories.

Happy birthday to me...

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me!

Who created the birthday song anyway?! That was'nt very creative... It feels stupid when typed out.

Anyway... imagine this scenario.

One day, a class decided to surprise this certain guy in the class. Then they went to his house... and when that guy, lets call him A, went home, the class surprised him. Then the class reveals that its a birthday party for A. Yay! On goes with the celebration, the cutting of cakes, the usual party stuff.

But there is one very big problem.

The birthday of A past 1 month before. But A cannot do anything but go with the flow... The class did so much for him, just for the birthday party...Even though they got the date wrong, he can't spoil the mood. Just one sentence will ruin it all. ''Uh... Today is not my birthday'' Will lead the party to nowhere, all the efforts down the drain, the sweat and brain juice... well u get the idea.

Btw, my birthday is correct. Its indeed September 2nd.