Dear Blog,

this week dam blardy sian. everyday nid go home very late. all the pw stuff this wk come. msa 2 . lessons aren't cancelled even though gt exam. maybe msa 2 isnt as important as we think. come to think of it,

msa 2 + msa 1 = 5%

msa 2 = 2.5%

2.5% nia... nid go home late everyday bcoz of that blardy 2.5%. somemore i still not clear wut topics, time, venue for some msas leh.i jus wan to get 36 rank pt for this yr. i think 2.5% can throw away nvm.

Yours sincerely,
Maybe it really isn't a bad idea to ignore msa2 >_>.

Or maybe there's a conspiracy going on. They want to force all the workload in one week so students can suicide and/or die. :P