
The exams of today, are not simply just a test of academic abilities. For one, it tests our ability to hold in our pee and shit and think. For 2, it tests our ability to shit and pee before the important things take place.

How does the exam test that? They restrict you from going out to the toilet 1 hr from the start of the exam and 1 hr before the exam ends. For your information, most examinations are less than 2 hours.

Now, i understand that they want to prevent cheating, but that is just stupid.

After a math mock, i remember a teacher went up to the front and said: ''You shouldn't go to the toilet 5 mins before the exam ends! We don't allow that! Also, you should use the time to do your exam! Don't waste time!''

Now, imagine you are going to shit your pants, but barely. Just imagine it, disgusting as it may sound. Now you frantically rush to the door, reaching for the toilet. But then, an invigilator stops you.

''Let me go to the toilet! Please! I'm shitting my pants!''
''Please! I'll be back in 5 to 10 minutes, just let me go and it will save a lot trouble!''
''No seriously, i need to relieve myself. ''
''Alright, i know you want to prevent cheating. YOU CAN LOOK AT ME SHIT! HAPPY?! NOW LET ME GO!''

The exam is evil. 1st, you have to pay an exorbitant fee to stress yourself out. People pay the service industry for excellent service. For exams, you pay people to spit on you. Perhaps worse, is that you are FORCED to pay.

I don't get the reasoning behind ''not going to toilet = save time''. Seriously how is going to the toilet so i can refresh myself and think better a waste of time? This is exactly why this society is so fucked up. People grow up following the rules without understanding the reasoning behind the rules. Then they just follow, and enforce it on people who knows nothing, who then grow up to be like them...
 ''You have to go to school, and study every hour of the day and week until you grow up because apparently it makes you rich somehow''
 ''Don't stand up to that evil king, because he kills everybody, and apparently everybody hates him, but we don't know why we listen to his every commands''
''Cut your hair, because apparently the rules say that the less hair you have the more disciplined and the more you are a good person.''
''The iPhone 4 is the most popular phone, so it is the best phone. Everybody says so.''

I say bullshit. The people enforcing such rules are like batman in the following video:

Whose fault?

A problem of food wastage... whose fault is it?

Lets say, there is a child who don't like to eat veggies. When he doesn't eat the veggies in his meal, whose fault is it? 'The child's fault!', you say?

You are wrong!

1st party at fault: The cook.

If a person doesn't like to eat veggies, it is because the food tastes bad. Why does it taste bad? Because the cook isn't able to deliver a dish that is of the consumer's taste. The cook sux.

A good cook will be able to cook any ingredient and make it delicious! (assuming the ingredients are edible in the 1st place, duh) A good cook also knows how to make full use of his ingredients. Feeding his recipe to a child who will throw away the food =/= good use of ingredient.

2nd party at fault: Parents, or whoever brought that kid up.

When kids don't eat a particular food, the parents blame them for being picky. Don't waste food!

In actuality, the parents are the ones wasting food. They totally know that the child hates the food. Why deliberately pick a food that the child hates and not other alternatives? There are so much types of food in this world.

2nd. Why does the kid hate the food? It's because the parents didn't give him/her the food that tastes good. For example, i love cabbage. But in actuality, most cai fan cabbage doesn't taste that good ;_; . The reason i still like cabbage is because the cabbage i have eaten the 1st time actually tastes good.

Which is to say, they are force feeding kids to hide the fact that they are incompetent in choosing food, or cooking them.

3rd party at fault: The restaurant/menu.

When you order western food, do you order the chicken chop for the chicken or for the salad? The chicken, for obvious reasons.

In short, if i order chicken chop and don't eat the salad, its not because i like wasting food. I didn't order it in the 1st place. So why did you serve me salad?! The menu is inflexible and the restaurant is in the wrong for setting the menu.

Of course you can say that i know salad is inside so why don't i switch it for beans? I still blame the restaurant. Because:
1. The menu didn't write the option of changing. (just look at KFC menu, they write we can switch mash potatoes for cheese fries... if we pay more)
2. For extensive customer service you could have asked.
3. I don't like any of the veggies so theres no dif. Menu is limited.
4. If i choose to remove the salad the price won't go down... I'm lazy to ask. Restaurant failure for not considering the customer's point of view.